Store utilitiesproduceEdit this pageproduce is an Immer inspired API for Solid's Store objects that allows for localized mutation. import { produce } from "solid-js/store"import type { NotWrappable, Store } from "solid-js/store" function produce<T>( fn: (state: T) => void): ( state: T extends NotWrappable ? T : Store<T>) => T extends NotWrappable ? T : Store<T>; For use with createStore: import { produce } from "solid-js/store"; const [state, setState] = createStore({ user: { name: "John", age: 30, }, list: ["book", "pen"],}); setState( produce((state) => { = "Jane"; state.list.push("pencil"); }));Report an issue with this pagePrevious← modifyMutableNextreconcile →