Component APIs


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Context provides a form of dependency injection in Solid. It is used to save from needing to pass data as props through intermediate components (aka prop drilling). This function creates a new context object that can be used with useContext and offers the Provider control flow. The default value is used when no Provider is found above in the hierarchy.


To avoid reinstatiating a new context when Hot-Module Replacement (HMR) occurs, it is recommended to use createContext in its own module (file).

For example:

import { createContext } from "solid-js";
export const INITIAL_COUNT = 0;
increment: () => {},
decrement: () => {}
export const CounterContext = createContext([
{ count: INITIAL_COUNT },

With the context created in its own module, you can use to instantiate the context provider.

import { createStore } from 'solid-js/store';
import { CounterContext, INITIAL_COUNT } from "./counter.ts";
export function CounterProvider(props) {
const [value, setValue] = createStore({ count: props.initialCount || INITIAL_COUNT })
const counter = [
increment() {
setValue("count", currentCount => currentCount + 1)
decrement() {
setValue("count", currentCount => currentCount - 1)
return (
<CounterContext.Provider value={counter}>

A few imporant notes on how to pass data through the context API:

  • The value passed to provider is passed to useContext as is.
  • Wrapping as a reactive expression will not work.
  • You should pass in Signals and Stores directly instead of accessing them in the JSX.

To learn how to consume the context, see the useContext documentation and the Context concepts entry.

Default Values

createContext() takes an optional "default value" as an argument. If useContext is called and there is no corresponding context provider above it in the component hierarchy, then the value passed as defaultValue is returned.

However, if no defaultValue was passed, then undefined is returned in this case. Also, defaultValue (or undefined) is returned if useContext is called inside an event callback, as it is then outside of the component hierarchy.

This has implications for TS. If no defaultValue is passed, then it is possible that useContext() will return undefined, and the types reflect this.

Another (used in the example in the previous section) is provide a default value to createContext(). In that case, useContext() will always return a value, and therefore TS will not complain either. The pitfall with this approach is that if you unintentionally use useContext outside of a provider, it may not be immediately apparent, because the context is still providing a valid value. Therefore, if you expect to always use useContext within a provider, it is best to use the error based approach described above.

Type signature

interface Context<T> {
id: symbol
Provider: (props: { value: T; children: any }) => any
defaultValue: T
function createContext<T>(defaultValue?: T): Context<T | undefined>
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