Basic reactivity


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createResource takes an asynchronous fetcher function and returns a signal that is updated with the resulting data when the fetcher completes.

There are two ways to use createResource: you can pass the fetcher function as the sole argument, or you can additionally pass a source signal as the first argument. The source signal will retrigger the fetcher whenever it changes, and its value will be passed to the fetcher.

const [data, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource(fetchData)
const [data, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource(source, fetchData)

In these snippets, the fetcher is the function fetchData, and data() is undefined until fetchData finishes resolving. In the first case, fetchData will be called immediately. In the second, fetchData will be called as soon as source has any value other than false, null, or undefined. It will be called again whenever the value of source changes, and that value will always be passed to fetchData as its first argument.

You can call mutate to directly update the data signal (it works like any other signal setter). You can also call refetch to rerun the fetcher directly, and pass an optional argument to provide additional info to the fetcher e.g refetch(info).

data works like a normal signal getter: use data() to read the last returned value of fetchData. But it also has extra reactive properties:

  • data.loading: whether the fetcher has been called but not returned.

  • data.error: if the request has errored out. createResource: provides an Error object for data.error. It will show even if the fetcher throws something else.

    • Fetcher throws an Error instance, data.error will be that instance.
    • If the fetcher throws a string, data.error.message will contain that string.
    • When the fetcher throws a value that is neither an Error nor a string, that value will be available as data.error.cause.
  • As of v1.4.0, data.latest returns the last value received and will not trigger Suspense or transitions; if no value has been returned yet, data.latest will act the same as data(). This can be useful if you want to show the out-of-date data while the new data is loading.

loading, error, and latest are reactive getters and can be tracked.

The fetcher

The fetcher is the async function that you provide to createResource to actually fetch the data. It is passed two arguments: the value of the source signal (if provided), and an info object with two properties: value and refetching. The value property tells you the previously fetched value. The refetching property is true if the fetcher was triggered using the refetch function and false otherwise. If the refetch function was called with an argument (refetch(info)), refetching is set to that argument.

async function fetchData(source, { value, refetching }) {
// Fetch the data and return a value.
//`source` tells you the current value of the source signal;
//`value` tells you the last returned value of the fetcher;
//`refetching` is true when the fetcher is triggered by calling `refetch()`,
// or equal to the optional data passed: `refetch(info)`
const [data, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource(getQuery, fetchData)
// read value
// check if loading
// check if errored
// directly set value without creating promise
// refetch the last request explicitly

Version 1.4.0 and Later


If you're using renderToStream, you can tell Solid to wait for a resource before flushing the stream using the deferStream option:

// fetches a user and streams content as soon as possible
const [user] = createResource(() =>, fetchUser)
// fetches a user but only streams content after this resource has loaded
const [user] = createResource(() =>, fetchUser, {
deferStream: true,


  1. We've added a new state field which covers a more detailed view of the Resource state beyond loading and error. You can now check whether a Resource is unresolved, pending, ready, refreshing, or errored.
StateValue resolvedLoadingHas error
  1. When server-rendering resources, especially when embedding Solid in other systems that fetch data before rendering, you might want to initialize the resource with this prefetched value instead of fetching again and having the resource serialize it in its own state. You can use the new ssrLoadFrom option for this. Instead of using the default server value, you can pass initial and the resource will use initialValue as if it were the result of the first fetch for both SSR and hydration.
const [data, { mutate, refetch }] = createResource(() =>, fetchUser, {
initialValue: preloadedData,
ssrLoadFrom: "initial",
  1. Resources can be set with custom defined storage with the same signature as a Signal by using the storage option. For example using a custom reconciling store could be done this way:
function createDeepSignal<T>(value: T): Signal<T> {
const [store, setStore] = createStore({
return [
() => store.value,
(v: T) => {
const unwrapped = unwrap(store.value)
typeof v === "function" && (v = v(unwrapped))
setStore("value", reconcile(v))
return store.value
] as Signal<T>
const [resource] = createResource(fetcher, {
storage: createDeepSignal,

This option is still experimental and may change in the future.


The createResource function takes an optional third argument, an options object. The options are:

namestringundefinedA name for the resource. This is used for debugging purposes.
deferStreambooleanfalseIf true, Solid will wait for the resource to resolve before flushing the stream.
initialValueanyundefinedThe initial value of the resource.
onHydratedfunctionundefinedA callback that is called when the resource is hydrated.
ssrLoadFrom"server" | "initial""server"The source of the initial value for SSR. If set to "initial", the resource will use the initialValue option instead of the value returned by the fetcher.
storagefunctioncreateSignalA function that returns a signal. This can be used to create a custom storage for the resource. This is still experimental

Note for TypeScript users

The function and type definitions for createResource are as follows:

import { createResource } from "solid-js"
import type { ResourceReturn, ResourceOptions } from "solid-js"
type ResourceReturn<T> = [
(): T | undefined
state: "unresolved" | "pending" | "ready" | "refreshing" | "errored"
loading: boolean
error: any
latest: T | undefined
mutate: (v: T | undefined) => T | undefined
refetch: (info: unknown) => Promise<T> | T
type ResourceOptions<T, S = unknown> = {
initialValue?: T
name?: string
deferStream?: boolean
ssrLoadFrom?: "initial" | "server"
storage?: (
init: T | undefined
) => [Accessor<T | undefined>, Setter<T | undefined>]
onHydrated?: (k: S | undefined, info: { value: T | undefined }) => void
function createResource<T, U = true>(
fetcher: (
k: U,
info: { value: T | undefined; refetching: boolean | unknown }
) => T | Promise<T>,
options?: ResourceOptions<T, U>
): ResourceReturn<T>
function createResource<T, U>(
source: U | false | null | (() => U | false | null),
fetcher: (
k: U,
info: { value: T | undefined; refetching: boolean | unknown }
) => T | Promise<T>,
options?: ResourceOptions<T, U>
): ResourceReturn<T>
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