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The <ErrorBoundary> component catches errors that occur during the rendering or updating of its children and shows a fallback UI instead. This includes:

  • Errors that occur while rendering JSX.
  • Errors that occur within createEffect, createMemo, and other state management primitives.
  • Errors that occur within createResource and other asynchronous state management or data-fetching primitives.

However, errors occurring outside the rendering process are not captured by error boundaries. For instance:

  • Errors that occur inside event handlers.
  • Errors that occur after a setTimeout.



Type: JSX.Element | ((err: any, reset: () => void) => JSX.Element)

fallback provides content to display when an error occurs. If a function is passed, it receives two parameters:

  • err: The caught error object.
  • reset: A function that forces the <ErrorBoundary> to re-render its children and clear the error state.

If there's an error within the fallback itself, however, it is not caught by the same <ErrorBoundary>. Instead, it will bubble up to any parent error boundaries.


import { ErrorBoundary } from "solid-js";
import { ErrorProne } from "./components";
function Example() {
return (
fallback={(error, reset) => (
<button onClick={reset}>Try Again</button>
<ErrorProne />
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