Reactive utilities


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import { runWithOwner } from "solid-js"
import type { Owner } from "solid-js"
function runWithOwner<T>(owner: Owner, fn: (() => void) => T): T

Executes the given function under the provided owner, instead of (and without affecting) the owner of the outer scope. By default, computations created by createEffect, createMemo, etc. are owned by the owner of the currently executing code (the return value of getOwner), so in particular these will get disposed when their owner does. Calling runWithOwner provides a way to override this default to a manually specified owner (typically, the return value from a previous call to getOwner), enabling more precise control of when computations get disposed.

Having a (correct) owner is important for two reasons:

  • Computations without an owner cannot be cleaned up. For example, if you call createEffect without an owner (e.g., in the global scope), the effect will continue running forever, instead of being disposed when its owner gets disposed.

  • useContext obtains context by walking up the owner tree to find the nearest ancestor providing the desired context. So without an owner you cannot look up any provided context (and with the wrong owner, you might obtain the wrong context).

Manually setting the owner is especially helpful when doing reactivity outside of any owner scope. In particular, asynchronous computation (via either async functions or callbacks like setTimeout) lose their automatically set owner, so remembering the original owner via getOwner and restoring it via runWithOwner is necessary in these cases. For example:

const owner = getOwner()
setTimeout(() => {
// This callback gets run without owner.
// Restore owner via runWithOwner:
runWithOwner(owner, () => {
const foo = useContext(FooContext)
createEffect(() => {
}, 1000)

Note: that owners are not what determines dependency tracking, so runWithOwner does not help with tracking in asynchronous functions; use of reactive state in the asynchronous part (e.g. after the first await) will not be tracked as a dependency.

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