Edit this pageThese are custom directives. In a sense this is just syntax sugar over ref but allows us to easily attach multiple directives to a single element. A directive is a function with the following signature:
function directive(element: Element, accessor: () => any): void
Directive functions are called at render time but before being added to the DOM. You can do whatever you'd like in them including create signals, effects, register clean-up etc.
const [name, setName] = createSignal("")
function model(el, value) { const [field, setField] = value() createRenderEffect(() => (el.value = field())) el.addEventListener("input", (e) => setField(};
<input type="text" use:model={[name, setName]} />
To register with TypeScript extend the JSX namespace.
declare module "solid-js" { namespace JSX { interface Directives { model: [() => any, (v: any) => any] } }}
Directives only work with native HTML elements (HTML/SVG/MathML/Custom Elements).
Directives are not forwarded and won't work in user defined components, such as <MyComponent use:myinput={[..]}/>
see also