Secondary primitives


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import { createSelector } from "solid-js"
function createSelector<T, U>(
source: () => T,
fn?: (a: U, b: T) => boolean
): (key: U) => boolean

Creates a parameterized derived boolean signal selector(key) that indicates whether key is equal to the current value of the source signal. These signals are optimized to notify each subscriber only when their key starts or stops matching the reactive source value (instead of every time key changes). If you have n different subscribers with different keys, and the source value changes from a to b, then instead of all n subscribers updating, at most two subscribers will update: the signal with key a will change to false, and the signal with key b will change to true. Thus it reduces from n updates to 2 updates.

Useful for defining the selection state of several selectable elements. For example:

const [selectedId, setSelectedId] = createSignal()
const isSelected = createSelector(selectedId)
<For each={list()}>
{(item) => <li classList={{ active: isSelected( }}>{}</li>}

In the code above, each li element receives an active class exactly when the corresponding is equal to selectedId(). When the selectedId signal changes, the li element(s) that previously had previously matching id get the active class removed, and the li element(s) that now have a matching id get the active class added. All other li elements get skipped, so if ids are distinct, only 2 DOM operations get performed.

By contrast, the following code would perform list().length DOM operations every time the selectedId signal changes:

const [selectedId, setSelectedId] = createSignal()
<For each={list()}>
{(item) => <li classList={{ active: selectedId() === }}>{}</li>}


source() => TThe source signal to get the value from and compare with keys.
fn(a: U, b: T) => booleanA function to compare the key and the value, returning whether they should be treated as equal. Default: ===
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