Data APIs


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cache is a higher-order function designed to create a new function with the same signature as the function passed to it. When this newly created function is called for the first time with a specific set of arguments, the original function is run, and its return value is stored in a cache and returned to the caller of the created function. The next time the created function is called with the same arguments (as long as the cache is still valid), it will return the cached value instead of re-executing the original function.


const getUser = query(
(id, options = {}) =>
fetch(`/api/users/${id}?summary=${options.summary || false}`).then((r) =>
getUser(123); // Causes a GET request to /api/users/123?summary=false
getUser(123); // Does not cause a GET request
getUser(123, { summary: true }); // Causes a GET request to /api/users/123?summary=true
setTimeout(() => getUser(123, { summary: true }), 999000); // Eventually causes another GET request to /api/users/123?summary=true

With preload functions

Using it with a preload function:

import { lazy } from "solid-js";
import { Route } from "@solidjs/router";
import { getUser } from ... // the cache function
const User = lazy(() => import("./pages/users/[id].js"));
// preload function
function preloadUser({params, location}) {
void getUser(
// Pass it in the route definition
<Route path="/users/:id" component={User} preload={preloadUser} />;

Inside a route's component

Using it inside a route's component:

// pages/users/[id].js
import { getUser } from ... // the cache function
export default function User(props) {
const user = createAsync(() => getUser(;
return <h1>{user().name}</h1>;

Cache function capabilities

cache accomplishes the following:

  1. Deduping on the server for the lifetime of the request.
  2. Preloading the cache in the browser - this lasts 5 seconds. When a route is preloaded on hover or when preload is called when entering a route it will make sure to dedupe calls.
  3. A reactive refetch mechanism based on key. This prevents routes that are not new from retriggering on action revalidation.
  4. Serve as a back/forward cache for browser navigation for up to 5 minutes. Any user based navigation or link click bypasses it. Upon revalidation or new fetch the cache is updated.

Cache keys

To ensure that the cache keys are consistent and unique, arguments are deterministically serialized using JSON.stringify. Before serialization, key/value pairs in objects are sorted so that the order of properties does not affect the serialization. For instance, both { name: 'Ryan', awesome: true } and { awesome: true, name: 'Ryan' } will serialize to the same string so that they produce the same cache key.

Return value

The return value is a CachedFunction, a function that has the same signature as the function you passed to cache. This cached function stores the return value using the cache key. Under most circumstances, this temporarily prevents the passed function from running with the same arguments, even if the created function is called repeatedly.


fn(...args: any) => anyA function whose return value you'd like to be cached.
name*stringAny arbitrary string that you'd like to use as the rest of the cache key.

*Since the internal cache is shared by all the functions using cache, the string should be unique for each function passed to cache. If the same key is used with multiple functions, one function might return the cached result of the other.


.key and .keyFor

Cached functions provide .key and .keyFor, are useful when retrieving the keys used in cases involving invalidation:

let id = 5;
getUser.key; // returns "users"
getUser.keyFor(id); // returns "users[5]"


The cache can be revalidated using the revalidate method or the revalidate keys that are set on the response from the actions. If the entire key is passed, it will invalidate all entries for the cache (ie. users in the example above). If only a single entry needs to be invalidated, keyFor is provided. To revalidate everything in the cache, pass undefined as the key.

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