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The MemoryRouter can be used to route while keeping the entire routing history within internal memory. Other routers keep history externally such as in the url like the <HashRouter> or in the browser history like <Router>.

Keeping the history in memory is useful when you want full control over the routing history. Since MemoryRouter can manipulate MemoryHistory, it is often used for testing purposes.

import { MemoryRouter, createMemoryHistory, A } from "@solidjs/router";
import { Suspense } from "solid-js";
export default function App() {
const history = createMemoryHistory();
const toHome = () => {
history.set({ value: "/" });
const toAbout = () => {
history.set({ value: "/about" });
return (
<button onClick={toHome}>{'"/"'}</button>
<button onClick={toAbout}>{'"/about"'}</button>
root={(props) => <Suspense>{props.children}</Suspense>}
{/*... routes */}

In this example, a history object is pre-filled to navigate to the /about route, which is then passed to the MemoryRouter.

Manipulating the history

The MemoryHistory object contains the following methods, which you can use to control the navigation of your app.

  • The get method retrieves the current route as a string, while the set method navigates to a new route, allowing for optional parameters like replacing the current history entry or scrolling to a DOM element id.
  • The back and forward methods mimic the browser's back and forward buttons, respectively, and the go method navigates a specific number of steps in the history, either backward or forward.
  • The listen method registers a callback to be called on navigation change.



getget(): stringReturns the current route.
setset({ value: string, scroll?: boolean, replace?: boolean })Navigates to a new route. value: URL to navigate to. scroll: Scrolls to element by ID (default: false). replace: Replaces the current history entry (default: false).
backback(): voidNavigates 1 step back in the history. Corresponds to go(-1).
forwardforward(): voidNavigates 1 step forward in the history. Corresponds to go(1).
gogo(n: number): voidNavigates n steps in the history. Negative for back, positive for forward. Clamped to history length.
listenlisten(listener: (value: string) => void): () => voidRegisters a listener that will be called on navigation.


childrenJSX.Element, RouteDefinition, or RouteDefinition[]The route definitions
rootComponentTop level layout component
basestringBase url to use for matching routes
actionBasestringRoot url for server actions, default: /_server
preloadbooleanEnables/disables preloads globally, default: true
explicitLinksbooleanDisables all anchors being intercepted and instead requires <A>. default: false
historyMemoryHistoryAn optionally pre-filled and mutable history object which will store any navigation events
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