Response helpers


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Reload is a response helper built on top of revalidate. It will receive a cache key, or an array of cache keys, to invalidate those queries, and cause them to fire again.

import { action, reload } from "@solidjs/router";
import { putTodo, getTodo } from "../db";
const updateTodo = action(async (todo: Todo) => {
await putTodo(, todo);
return reload({ revalidate: getTodo.keyFor(id) });

The code snippet above uses the cache-key from a user-defined query (getTodo). To better understand how queries work, check the query documentation.

TypeScript Signature

interface ResponseOptions & Omit<ResponseInit, "body"> {
revalidate?: string | string[];
reload(opt?: ResponseOptions): CustomResponse<never>;

The ResponseOptions extens the types from the native ResponseInit interface.

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