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Testing your Solid applications is important to inspiring confidence in your codebase through preventing regressions.

Getting started

Testing packages explanations

  • vitest - testing framework that includes runner, assertion engine, and mocking facilities
  • jsdom - a virtual DOM used to simulate a headless browser environment running in node
  • @solidjs/testing-library - a library to simplify testing components, directives, and primitives, with automatic cleanup
  • @testing-library/user-event - used to simulate user events that are closer to reality
  • @testing-library/jest-dom - augments expect with helpful matchers

Adding testing packages

The recommended testing framework for Solid applications is vitest.

To get started with vitest, install the following development dependencies:

Testing configuration

In your package.json add a test script calling vitest:

"scripts": {
"test": "vitest"

It is not necessary to add @testing-library/jest-dom to the testing options in vite.config, since vite-plugin-solid automatically detects and loads it if present.

TypeScript configuration

If using TypeScript, add @testing-library/jest-dom to tsconfig.json#compilerOptions.types:

"compilerOptions": {
// ...
"jsx": "preserve",
"jsxImportSource": "solid-js",
"types": ["vite/client", "@testing-library/jest-dom"]

SolidStart configuration

When using SolidStart, create a vitest.config.ts file:

import solid from "vite-plugin-solid"
import { defineConfig } from "vitest/config"
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [solid()],
resolve: {
conditions: ["development", "browser"],

Writing tests

Components testing

Testing components involves three main things:

  • Rendering the component
  • Interacting with the component
  • Validating assertions

To write tests for your components, create a [name].test.tsx file. The purpose of this file is to describe the intended behavior from a user's perspective in the form of unit tests:

In the test.jsx file, the render call from @solidjs/testing-library is used to render the component and supply the props and context. To mimic a user interaction, @testing-library/user-event is used. The expect function provided by vitest is extended with a .ToHaveTextContent("content") matcher from @testing-library/jest-dom to supply what the expected behavior is for this component.

To run this test, use the following command:

If running the command is successful, you will get the following result showing whether the tests have passed or failed:

[RUN] v1.4.0 solid-app/src/components/Counter.test.tsx
src/components/Counter.test.tsx (1)
<Counter /> (1)
increments value
Test Files 1 passed (1)
Tests 1 passed (1)
Start at 16:51:19
Duration 4.34s (transform 1.01s, setup 205ms, collect 1.54s, tests 155ms,
environment 880ms, prepare 212ms)

Rendering the component

The render function from @solidjs/testing-library creates the testing environment within the test.tsx file. It sets up the container, rendering the component within it, and automatically registers it for clean-up after a successful test. Additionally, it manages wrapping the component in contexts as well as setting up a router.

const renderResult = render(
() => <MyComponent />, // @solidjs/testing-library requires a function
{ // all options are optional
container, // manually set up your own container, will not be handled
baseElement, // parent of container in case it is not supplied
queries, // manually set up custom queries
hydrate, // set to `true` to use hydration
wrapper, // reusable wrapper component to supply context
location, // sets up a router pointed to the location if provided
const {
asFragment, // function returning the contents of the container
baseElement, // the parent of the container
container, // the container in which the component is rendered
debug, // a function giving some helpful debugging output
unmount, // manually removing the component from the container
...queries, // functions to select elements from the container
} = renderResult
Using the right queries

Queries are helpers used to find elements within a page.

⎧ Role
get ⎫ By ⎪ DisplayValue
query ⎬ ⎨ LabelText
find ⎭ AllBy ⎪ Text
⎩ ...

The prefixes (get, query, and find) and the middle portion (By and AllBy) depend on if the query should wait for an element to appear (or not), whether it should throw an error if the element cannot be found, and how it should handle multiple matches:

  • getBy: synchronous, throws if not found or more than 1 matches
  • getAllBy: synchronous, throws if not found, returns array of matches
  • queryBy: synchronous, null if not found, error if more than 1 matches
  • queryAllBy: synchronous, returns array of zero or more matches
  • findBy: asynchronous, rejected if not found within 1000ms or more than 1 matches, resolves wth element if found
  • findAllBy: asynchronous, rejected if not found within 1000ms, resolves with array of one or more element(s)

By default, queries should start with get.... If there are multiple elements matching the same query, getAllBy... should be used, otherwise use getBy....

There are two exceptions when you should not start with get...:

  1. If the location option is used or the component is based on resources, the router will be lazy-loaded; in this case, the first query after rendering needs to be find...
  2. When testing something that is not rendered, you will need to find something that will be rendered at the same time; after that, use queryAllBy... to test if the result is an empty array ([]).

The query's suffix (Role, LabelText, ...) depends on the characteristics of the element you want to select. If possible, try to select for accessible attributes (roughly in the following order):

  • Role: WAI ARIA landmark roles which are automatically set by semantic elements like <button> or otherwise use role attribute
  • LabelText: elements that are described by a label wrapping the element, or by an aria-label attribute, or is linked with for- or aria-labelledby attribute
  • PlaceholderText: input elements with a placeholder attribute
  • Text: searches text within all text nodes in the element, even if split over multiple nodes
  • DisplayValue: form elements showing the given value (e.g. select elements)
  • AltText: images with alt text
  • Title: HTML elements with the title attribute or SVGs with the <title> tag containing the given text
  • TestId: queries by the data-testid attribute; a different data attribute can be setup via configure({testIdAttribute: 'data-my-test-attribute'}); TestId-queries are not accessible, so use them only as a last resort.

For more information, check the testing-library documentation.

Testing through Portal

Solid allows components to break through the DOM tree structure using <Portal>. This mechanism will still work in testing, so the content of the portals will break out of the testing container. In order to test this content, make sure to use the screen export to query the contents:

Testing in context

If a component relies on some context, to wrap it use the wrapper option:

import { test, expect } from "vitest"
import { render } from "@solidjs/testing-library"
import { DataContext, DataConsumer } from "./Data"
const wrapper = (props) => <DataContext value="test" {...props} />
test("receives data from context", () => {
const { getByText } = render(() => <DataConsumer />, { wrapper })

Wrappers can be re-used if they are created externally. For wrappers with different values, a higher-order component creating the required wrappers can make the tests more concise:

const createWrapper = (value) => (props) =>
<DataContext value={value} {...props}/>
Testing routes

For convenience, the render function supports the location option that wraps the rendered component in a router pointing at the given location. Since the <Router> component is lazily loaded, the first query after rendering needs to be asynchronous, i.e. findBy...:

const { findByText } = render(
() => <Route path="/article/:id" component={Article} />,
{ location: "/article/12345" }
expect(await findByText("Article 12345")).toBeInTheDocument()

Interacting with components

Many components are not static, rather they change based on user interactions. To test these changes, these interactions need to be simulated. To simulate user interactions, @testing-library/user-event library can be used. It takes care of the usual order of events as they would occur in actual user interactions. For example, this means that a click event from the user would be accompanied by mousemove, hover, keydown, focus, keyup, and keypress.

The most convenient events to test are typically click, keyboard and pointer (to simulate touch events). To dive deeper into these events, you can learn about them in the user-event documentation.

Using timers

If you require a fake timer and want to use vi.useFakeTimers() in your tests, it must set it up with an advanceTimers option:

import { vi } from "vitest"
const user = userEvent.setup({ advanceTimers: vi.advanceTimersByTime })
describe("pre-login: sign-in", () => {
const { getByRole, getByLabelText } = render(() => <User />)
const signUp = getByRole('button', { text: 'Sign-in' })
// use convenience API click:
const name = getByLabelText('Name')
// use complex keyboard input:
user.keyboard(name, "{Shift}test{Space}{Shift}user")
const password = getByLabelText('Password')
user.keyboard(name, "secret")
const login = getByRole('button', { text: 'Login' })
// use touch event
{ keys: "[TouchA]" target: login },
{ keys: "[/TouchA]", target: login }

Validating assertions

vitest comes with the expect function to facilitate assertions that works like:


The command supports assertions like toBe (reference comparison) and toEqual (value comparison) out of the box. For testing inside the DOM, the package @testing-library/jest-dom augments it with some helpful additional assertions:

Directive testing

Directives are reusable behaviors for elements. They receive the HTML element they are bound to as their first and an accessor of the directive prop as their second argument. To make testing them more concise, @solidjs/testing-library has a renderDirective function:

const renderResult = renderDirective(directive, {
initialValue, // value initially added to the argument signal
targetElement, // opt. node name or element used as target for the directive
...renderOptions, // see render options
const {
arg, // getter for the directive's argument
setArg, // setter for the directive's argument
...renderResults, // see render results
} = renderResult

In ...renderResults, the container will contain the targetElement, which defaults to a <div>. This, along with the ability to modify the arg signal, are helpful when testing directives.

If, for example, you have a directive that handles the Fullscreen API, you can test it like this:

Primitive testing

When the reference to an element is not needed, parts of state and logic can be put into reusable hooks or primitives. Since these do not require elements, there is no need for render to test them since it would require a component that has no other use. To avoid this, there is a renderHook utility that simulates a component without actually rendering anything.

const renderResult = renderHook(hook, {
initialProps, // an array with arguments being supplied to the hook
wrapper, // same as the wrapper optionss for `render`
const {
result, // return value of the hook (mutable, destructuring fixes it)
cleanup, // manually remove the traces of the test from the DOM
owner, // the owner running the hook to use with `runWithOwner()`
} = renderResult

A primitive that manages the state of a counter could be tested like this:

import { test, expect } from "vitest"
import { renderHook } from "@solidjs/testing-library"
import { createCounter } from "./counter"
test("increments count", () => {
const { result } = renderHook(createCounter)

Testing effects

Since effects may happen asynchronously, it can be difficult to test them. @solidjs/testing-library comes with a testEffect function that takes another function that receives a done function to be called once tests are over and returns a promise. Once done is called, the returned promise is resolved. Any errors that would hit the next boundary are used to reject the returned promise.

An example test using testEffect may look like this:

const [value, setValue] = createSignal(0)
return testEffect(done =>
createEffect((run: number = 0) => {
if (run === 0) {
} else if (run === 1) {
return run + 1


While Solid offers performance simplified, it is good to validate if that promise can be kept. Vitest offers an experimental bench function to run benchmarks and compare the results inside the same describe block; for example if you had a <List> flow component similar to <For>, you could benchmark it like this:

describe('list rendering', () => {
const ITEMS = 1000
const renderedFor = new Set()
const listFor = Array.from({ length: ITEMS }, (_, i) => i)
bench('For', () => new Promise((resolve) => {
const ItemFor = (props) => {
onMount(() => {
if (renderedFor.size === ITEMS) { resolve() }
return <span>{props.number}</span>
render(() => <For each={listFor}>
{(item) => <ItemFor number={item} />}
const renderedList = new Set()
const listList = Array.from({ length: ITEMS }, (_, i) => i)
bench('List', () => new Promise((resolve) => {
const ItemList = (props) => {
onMount(() => {
if (renderedList.size === ITEMS) { resolve() }
return <span>{props.number}</span>
render(() => <List each={listList}>
{(item) => <ItemList number={item} />}

Running [npm|pnpm|yarn] test bench will then execute the benchmark function:

[RUN] v1.4.0 solid-app/src/components/
src/components/list.bench.jsx (2) 1364ms
benchmark (2) 1360ms
name hz min max mean p75 p99 p995 p999 rme samples
· For 60.5492 11.2355 47.9164 16.5155 15.4180 47.9164 47.9164 47.9164 ±13.60% 31 fastest
· List 49.7725 16.5441 69.3559 20.0914 18.0349 69.3559 69.3559 69.3559 ±21.37% 25
[BENCH] Summary
For - src/components/list.bench.tsx > benchmark
1.22x faster than List

Please keep in mind that it is very difficult to create meaningful benchmarks. The numbers should always be taken with a grain of salt, but can still indicate performance degradations if compared between versions.

Test coverage

While coverage numbers can be misleading, they are used by many projects as a rough measurement of code quality. Vitest supports coverage collection. To use it, it needs an extra package:

Also, you need to set up vitest's coverage feature.

Integration/E2E testing

Some issues can only be found once the code is running in the environment it is supposed to run in. Since integration and end-to-end tests are agnostic to frameworks, all proven approaches will work equally for Solid.

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