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<Dynamic> is a Solid component that allows you to render components dynamically based on data. By passing either a string representing a native HTML element or a component function to the component prop, you can render the chosen component with the remaining props you provide.

import { createSignal, For } from "solid-js"
import { Dynamic } from "solid-js/web"
const RedDiv = () => <div style="color: red">Red</div>
const GreenDiv = () => <div style="color: green">Green</div>
const BlueDiv = () => <div style="color: blue">Blue</div>
const options = {
red: RedDiv,
green: GreenDiv,
blue: BlueDiv,
function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = createSignal("red")
return (
onInput={(e) => setSelected(e.currentTarget.value)}
<For each={Object.keys(options)}>
{(color) => <option value={color}>{color}</option>}
<Dynamic component={options[selected()]} />

This example renders a <select> element that allows you to choose between three colors. Once a color is selected, the <Dynamic> component will render the chosen color's corresponding component or element.

<Dynamic> creates more concise code than alternative conditional rendering options. For example, the following code renders the same result as the previous example:

import { createSignal, Switch, Match, For } from "solid-js"
const RedDiv = () => <div style="color: red">Red</div>
const GreenDiv = () => <div style="color: green">Green</div>
const BlueDiv = () => <div style="color: blue">Blue</div>
const options = {
red: RedDiv,
green: GreenDiv,
blue: BlueDiv,
function App() {
const [selected, setSelected] = createSignal("red")
return (
onInput={(e) => setSelected(e.currentTarget.value)}
<For each={Object.keys(options)}>
{(color) => <option value={color}>{color}</option>}
<Switch fallback={<BlueDiv />}>
<Match when={selected() === "red"}>
<RedDiv />
<Match when={selected() === "green"}>
<GreenDiv />

Instead of a more verbose <Switch> and <Match> statement, <Dynamic> offers a more concise way to render components dynamically.


When working with these components, you can pass props to the component you are rendering by passing them to the <Dynamic> component. This makes them available to the component you are rendering, similar to how you would pass props to components in JSX.

import { Dynamic } from "solid-js/web"
function App() {
return (
<Dynamic component={someComponent} someProp="someValue" />
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