
Data mutation

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This guide provides practical examples of using actions to mutate data in SolidStart.

Handling form submission

To handle <form> submissions with an action:

  1. Ensure the action has a unique name. See the Action API reference for more information.
  2. Pass the action to the <form> element using the action prop.
  3. Ensure the <form> element uses the post method for submission.
  4. Use the FormData object in the action to extract field data using the navite FormData methods.

Passing additional arguments

To pass additional arguments to your action, use the with method:

Showing pending UI

To display a pending UI during action execution:

  1. Import useSubmission from @solidjs/router.
  2. Call useSubmission with your action, and use the returned pending property to display pending UI.

Handling errors

To handle errors that occur within an action:

  1. Import useSubmission from @solidjs/router.
  2. Call useSubmission with your action, and use the returned error property to handle the error.

Validating form fields

To validate form fields in an action:

  1. Add validation logic in your action and return validation errors if the data is invalid.
  2. Import useSubmission from @solidjs/router.
  3. Call useSubmission with your action, and use the returned result property to handle the errors.

Showing optimistic UI

To update the UI before the server responds:

  1. Import useSubmission from @solidjs/router.
  2. Call useSubmission with your action, and use the returned pending and input properties to display optimistic UI.


To redirect users to a different route within an action:

  1. Import redirect from @solidjs/router.
  2. Call redirect with the route you want to navigate to, and throw its response.

Using a database or an ORM

To safely interact with your database or ORM in an action, ensure it's server-only by adding "use server" as the first line of your action:

Invoking an action programmatically

To programmatically invoke an action:

  1. Import useAction from @solidjs/router.
  2. Call useAction with your action, and use the returned function to invoke the action.
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